Go slightly into that dark night
Go go gadget
(A gadget Ive been thinking about)
May I be your Ghostlight?


I am the firestarter
Let me tell u a (PRO) digi/ tale
of PRO digits, as in, you know
Professionals – bloody professionals
At stroking (one ring on each finger)
Then striking – you (5 bruises)
But thats what you get when you enter the ring (finger sways:
Ts ts ts ts)
One Ts is used for the strike of the match



i need u2 (soft) wear me on your sleeve
slave to leave
it or take it with
              or without
take me a
round (ON me, k?)

roll       over bthvn
roll me over             the dovely door is open
but you seem stag-e-nant:

"don't roll your stuck up eye at me"
though really that's what our electromagnetic field ordered.

Or was it the buzzinezz of the Venetian side street?

      i Turn The Blind i
      turn into the blind, alley
                                           V-1-eye-King Valley

The Norwegian side dish (fish à la sth or basil) watchoutforthebones
that distorted your "s/oft EN/word"?
all the time (in the world) I need it all the time. I needed all the time,

so I pinched it.!

oh dear odeur.
oh fleur u smell so sw(AN)ell: “flannel me dry”
 chanel me
(        Softly)
         Softly not washed too hot

never washed

never rot

Natural Light / Fake Shades

There’s this cutest of all huts.
Let me describe a 0.25 ml glass in front of me right now:
(It’s filled half way. Just saying. Not saying what with.)
It’s got horizontal stripes that are ordered in vertical columns. 
In the columns there are diamonds, as in the card suit. 
From the bottom up:
Red. Orange. Yellow.
I bought it 10 yards up from the hut.
(Though I only know the metric system, I’m afraid.)
And that’s all you need to know.
Do you get it?
I want to buy it.
I bought the glass. I got it for a fair price of £0.5
Next I should buy the hut.
Only I haven’t got enough cash in my pocket now.
Can I reserve it and come back for it later?
Ray, the estate agent said no.
When I worked in the charity shop I always reserved things.
Without telling the superior.
He was shady – as they are.   
As they come – in all shades.
Worked hard for them "Aviators"
Ray Bans all reservations but what do I care?
If you really really want something you should have it. Why not?
The wanting so hard is a lot of effort.
It should be rewarded.
That’s what I think.
In a meritocracy, that is.
A quarter deposit. Well Well Well.
That’s a hell of of a cut.
(I got from drinking out of a broken glass. That's why I had to buy a new one, see.)
Cut the deck.
My "lip" bleeds.
Have a heart.
Become a member of the British Heart Foundation.
Cut the decking, so we can put a skylight in.
So I can look up 'n make use of my quarter, Catholicism.
So I can look up 'n pray for Ray and all "mankind" to be illuminated, too.
A Men
And Women all over should have their little huts, 
not connected to the gas, necessarily,
ideally connected to the sewage system 
and with a skylight.
That’s very important.